Saturday, March 5

returned after 2 years~

wow! its been so long i ditched this place. since 2009 till now! this place used to be the place i shared my thoughts, my opinions and yet i had abandoned it for so long. well, something happened actually which lead to the abandonment of this place.... but here am i once again, blogging... guessed i will try to blog as frequent as i could as this can be considered my personal place~ in this 2 years, lots happened........ from FOE i changed to FOM and others stuffs not be mentioned.... but i just can say that nothing worked out! sighs....... why like that? all i can do is blame myself for the outcome, not anyone else. well, at least for now, academic aspect is better, but i still wanna get better results..... hmmm.... can i achieve that?

currently having my semester break which will end tomorrow.... well, life really have ups and downs which everyone agrees. should really getting used to my life i guess....

During this semester break,had been arranging my lappy's files. other than 50gb of unsorted songs(which i only sorted around 1gb? oooommmmmaaaaiiii~~~) and pictures from few years back till now. looking back those pics really bring back lots of memories. from secondary to my current uni life.

this is my form 2 look, funny rite? lmaaaoooooo XD

taken recently during cny~~ haha........

like what i said, life is like a photo album, it grows as time passed, and when you look back, it brings back memories.....

by the way, my blog seems abit dull huh?? think gonna search for new blogskin! even myself think its dull, what about my readers(loool!! readers??i think im the only reader)??

owh ya, found this cover is good!!! what the hell by avril lavinge (thank you kerry chiu for introducing me this!!! hope you read this which i know you wont XD)

well,thats all for this post i guess, hope i will be hard working on posting! adios! XD


Kerry said...

welcome back clemoooooond~ :P

cLeM said...

hahahaha~~ thhxxx