Tuesday, May 29


today i went to klcc and watched pirates of the caribbean.... its way better than spiderman 3...... jack sparow is so funny..... hahahaha.. and the fighting scene is quite nice..... hahaha.... jack sparow..... the funniest guy..... go go watch it!!!!

Friday, May 11

Linkin Park still rocking~~~~~

their new logo.....

i had been a hardcore fan of linkin park.... and recently, their new album, with a quite simple yet nice name.... MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT..... it makes me look at the time and counting how many minutes more till midnight.... hahaha..... overall its nice.... but there are some songs that is diff from the previous albums... like valentine's day.... its nice!!!! and the lyrics is meaningful..... hahahaha.... LP rokz!!!! hahahaha..... and the have new logo!!! quite nice..... LP rocks!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 3

spidey rocks~~~~~~~~ XD

i watched spiderman 3 this afternoon and it rocks!!!! its much better than the 1st and 2nd!!! got more humour!!! LOL!!!! go watch it!!!! dont miss it!!! cant wait for captain jack and the green orge!! XD